May 9, 2023

How to Add Curb Appeal to Your New House

Buying a new home is exciting, but it is important to be aware that many neighborhoods and homeowners’ associations require you to spruce up your yard and exterior of your house shortly after moving in to make sure its appearance adds to the overall curb appeal of your street and neighborhood instead of distracting from it. At Interra Homes, we offer personalized packages to help your Interra home meet these guidelines and exceed expectations in ways that incorporate your favorite landscaping elements. Here is an overview of the requirements you may be expected to meet, and how to make the front of your new home look good with a personalized touch from Interra Homes!

The Timeline

Yards generally need to be installed within three months of closing on your new home and maintained regularly after that, especially if you have purchased a home in a neighborhood with an active homeowners’ association. Additionally, you may need to submit a plan for the changes you wish to make in advance and get it pre-approved before any work can be done. If you move in during the winter, this process will need to be completed as early as the weather allows in the spring. This means that it is important to start thinking about what changes you want to make as early as possible and who will be responsible for completing the work.

Contractors’ schedules can fill up quickly, which means that it is helpful to start planning decks, patios, fences, and other major building projects as soon as you start the process of closing on your new home. Smaller details, such as planting flowers and adding pathways, can often wait until after major changes have been made that bring the overall curb appeal of your new home to an acceptable level.

Interra landscaping

Interra Homes Landscaping Packages

At Interra Homes, we offer a wide range of landscaping packages that can make boosting your home’s curb appeal easier with less work than doing everything on your own. Depending on your preferences and the most significant needs of your yard, our packages can include landscaping beds with edging, drain tile, an underground sprinkler system, hydroseed and other treatments to promote the growth and health of your grass, fertilizer, and a wide range of other options that can quickly increase the beauty and functionality of your yard.

Hiring a Landscaper or Improving Your Yard Yourself

Although it is possible to DIY certain aspects of your yard, it is often a good idea to have a professional landscaper handle the majority of the work involved with creating a new yard and transforming a yard that needs a significant amount of work to bring its curb appeal to an acceptable level for your neighborhood within the time frame you need. Some developments allow you to simply have well-maintained grass without any further additions, which can be helpful for getting started, but others require more complex landscaping from the beginning.

Lawn grading, hydroseed, and sod are among the most common options for adding new grass to your lawn and cultivating its growth. A quality irrigation system is another helpful tool for getting a new lawn to grow quickly, and certain developments require you to have one installed to make sure your lawn gets the water it needs to look its best over time.

We can also add a wide range of trees, shrubs, flowers, and other plants to your landscape to make it beautifully match your preferences. Some developments require you to have at least one tree in your yard to enhance the overall appearance of your street, and we will cover the cost of the minimum number of trees you need and install them for you. You can also add more flowers, a vegetable garden, and other greenery to your landscape on your own over time if you choose to make your outdoor space even more uniquely yours.

Boost Your Home’s Value With Interra Homes’ Personalized Touch

Most homeowners’ associations provide a list of minimum curb appeal guidelines that must be followed to ensure your entire street looks its best. Still, you generally have a high level of freedom to make your yard and the exterior of your home uniquely yours in ways that align with these requirements. Our personalized landscaping option allows you to meet local expectations while incorporating plenty of your favorite features that make the outside of your home as unique as you are. Contact us today to learn more about West Michigan’s landscaping requirements or start planning your outdoor living space!

Start Building Your Dream Home.